Parental Rights and School Choice Survey

We Asked Upcoming State Legislature Candidates the Following 3 Questions

Question 1: Do you agree that parents have the right to review their child’s curriculum as well as any additional school materials?

Question 2: Do you agree that New Mexico should honor the diversity and voices of families by preserving local control of board members over excessive rulemaking from the Public Education Department? This includes 4-day school weeks.

Question 3: Do you support allowing education dollars to flow to students and their families for the educational option that works best for them?


Check out their responses:


State House of Representatives Candidates:

Tracey Major

Candidate Website:

Running District: 20

Question 1: Agree

Question 2: Agree

Question 3: Agree


Alan Martinez

Candidate Website:

Running District: 23

Question 1: Agree

Question 2: Agree

Question 3: Agree


Denis Litvinenko

Running District: 25

Question 1: Agree

Question 2: Agree

Question 3: Agree


Lori Robertson

Candidate Website:

Running District: 30

Question 1: Agree

Question 2: Agree

Question 3: Agree


Nicole Chavez

Candidate Website:

Running District: 31

Question 1: Agree

Question 2: Agree

Question 3: Agree


Jennifer Jones

Candidate Website:

Running District: 32

Question 1: Agree

Question 2: Agree

Question 3: Agree


Kimberly Skaggs

Candidate Website:

Running District: 36

Question 1: Agree

Question 2: Agree

Question 3: Agree


Rebecca Dow

Candidate Website:

Running District: 38

Question 1: Agree

Question 2: Agree

Question 3: Agree


Luis Terrazas

Candidate Website:

Running District: 39

Question 1: Agree

Question 2: Agree

Question 3: Agree


Diego Olivas

Running District: 40

Question 1: Agree

Question 2: Agree

Question 3: Agree


Ali Ennenga

Candidate Website:

Running District: 44

Question 1: Agree

Question 2: Agree

Question 3: Agree


Elizabeth Winterrowd

Candidate Website:

Running District: 53

Question 1: Agree

Question 2: Agree

Question 3: Agree


Jimmy Mason

Candidate Website:

Running District: 66

Question 1: Agree

Question 2: Agree

Question 3: Agree


Nathan Brooks

Candidate Website:

Running District: 68

Question 1: Agree

Question 2: Agree

Question 3: Agree


State Senate Candidates:

Audrey Trujillo

Candidate Website:

Running District: 9

Question 1: Agree

Question 2: Agree

Question 3: Agree


Kurstin Johnson

Candidate Website:

Running District: 18

Question 1: Agree

Question 2: Agree

Question 3: Agree


Patrick Boone

Candidate Website:

Running District: 27

Question 1: Agree

Question 2: Agree

Question 3: Agree


Tina Garcia

Candidate Website:

Running District: 29

Question 1:

“Parents always have a right to know and read materials. As well as opt out if that is what they want. This is not a new idea, and is happening in my local district.”

Question 2:

“As a past school board member this is a balance between local district needs and the state requirements. I believe both are important. Our kids are the most important thing and their education comes first.”

Question 3: 

“Again, this is already the case in my district. As a board member I am aware of the money that is shared with the local charter and religious schools. As long as families are following the rules of notifying the district of where their child is attending school, the dollars follow them.


David Tofsted

Candidate Website:

Running District: 36

Question 1: Agree

Question 2: Agree

Question 3:

“A Problem exists where the state of New Mexico only supports public spending on education. It would take a constitutional amendment to change this. I would support such a change.”


Nick Paul

Candidate Website:

Running District: 38

Question 1: Agree

Question 2: Agree

Question 3: Agree


Samantha Barncastle Salopek

Candidate Website:

Running District: 38

Question 1: Agree

Question 2: Agree

Question 3: Agree